This Internet site (the ‘Site’) is the property of Ace Entertainment, société à responsabilité limitée ('ACE ENTERTAINMENT').
Mailing address: 13, rue du Curé, L-1368 Luxembourg.
ACE ENTERTAINMENT puts at the disposal of the visitor of the Website certain information and documents subject to the conditions described in this legal notice (the 'User Conditions’'), in view to facilitate access to general information about its activities. The ACE ENTERTAINMENT Website aims to disclose correct and updated information, but it cannot avoid errors or omitted updates.
By consulting the Site, the visitor accepts without exception the User Conditions. ACE ENTERTAINMENT reserves itself the right to change the User Conditions anytime and the use of the Site will be submitted to the most recent User Conditions, available on the Site at the moment of the use.
The visitors access the Site through the communication network of Internet. They declare to be aware of the risks and to accept them. ACE ENTERTAINMENT cannot be held liable for any damages incurred by the visitor during or after browsing the Site.
ACE ENTERTAINMENT reserves itself the right to stop at anytime all or partial supply of information.
ACE ENTERTAINMENT strives to limit to the most extent possible any inconvenience caused by errors. ACE ENTERTAINMENT declines any responsibility about problems which may arise from the use of the Site.
The information contained in this Site cannot be used for any other purpose than for general information. This information shall not be taken as an official source of information or as a substitute for professional advice, so that it is strongly recommended to the visitor to check the content on his own. Before undertaking any action or refraining from acting based on any information contained in this Site, it is strongly recommended to seek professional advice.
The Site, jointly with all its contents, including its layout, is governed by the intellectual property law, particularly the law on copyrights and trademarks.
ACE ENTERTAINMENT does not provide any license, authorization, user right, acceptance or any other right or title linked to the intellectual property it owns in the Site or its contents.
Except stated to the contrary, the visitor is allowed to read, download and print documents and information under the following conditions:
The documents can be used for private purpose only, for informational purposes only and in a private context.
The documents and information cannot be changed in whatever way, and
The documents cannot be reproduced apart from the Site.
The rights implicitly or explicitly granted to the visitor are an authorization of use and, in no case, shall constitute a transfer of rights, property or another transfer or creation of rights, titles or tolerances, in relation to the Site.
ACE ENTERTAINMENT does not systematically check the content of its linked sites. MACL is not responsible for the content presented on other Internet sites, neither for their lawfulness nor for the accuracy of the information contained therein.
The identifying data that you may submit to the Site (‘The Data’) will be treated in accordance with the law of August 2nd, 2002 on private data protection.
Your IP address is automatically registered with the system. This does not identify you personally and you remain anonymous unless you have voluntarily provided identifying data.
It may occur that you are requested to provide certain Data such as your name, your mailing address, your e-mail address, and other data such as your country, area as well as any other information requested via a specific form.
The Data will not be communicated to non authorized third parties and will only be collected to allow you the use of various tools with informative purpose and for the establishment of statistics or trends. The Data will not be used for any other purposes than the indicated and will not be kept within our systems beyond the necessary timeframe to achieve this goal. Submitting Data is optional but some tools of the Site can only work if the Data is provided.
ACE ENTERTAINMENT will take all possible measures in order to secure the Data. However, it cannot eliminate all the risks related to the use of the Internet. Thus, at the time of submitting the Data, you must be aware that other users of the Internet can possibly manage to visualize the Data.
Further to the law on private data protection, you are allowed to access, modify or to oppose yourself to any processing of your Data. To use that right, you may contact ACE ENTERTAINMENT S.à r.l. at the following address: 13, rue du Curé, L-1368 Luxembourg.
Any dispute in connection with the use of the Site is governed by the laws of Luxembourg and the Courts of Luxembourg shall have exclusive jurisdiction.